Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2025 (published: 13.03.2025)

Number 1(63)

Home > List of authors > Aret V.A.

Aret V.A.

Work place:

Saint-Petersburg State University of information technologies, mechanics and optics; Institute of refrigeration and biotechnologies


Aret V.A., Кулаев Д. Х., Морозов Е.А. О подготовке учебных материалов для обучения инженеров в Интернете

The article was published in issue1 за 2006

Aret V.A., Verboloz E.I. Возможности расчета нагнетателя комбинированных начинок с использованием рыбных фаршей

The article was published in issue1 за 2007

Aret V.A., Baychenko L.A., Закревский В.В., Долгих С.А. К оптимизации геометрии червячного нагнетателя

The article was published in issue2 за 2007

Aret V.A., Васильев Д. . Влияние геометрических и кинематических параметров на объемную производительность червячного нагнетателя

The article was published in issue1 за 2008

Aret V.A., Васильев Д. . Применение ИК-нагрева при копчении

The article was published in issue1 за 2008

Aret V.A., Orlov V.V., Зеленков С.К. Выбор перемешивающего устройства на основе построения его морфологической модели

The article was published in issue2 за 2009

Aret V.A. School of Physical and Chemical Mechanics

The article was published in issue1 за 2011

Andreev A.N., Aret V.A., Baychenko L.A. Technology of the vitaminized bread «VITAMET»

The article was published in issue1 за 2011

Aret V.A., Scherbakov A.S. Capillary viscometry of wheat flour dough using exception method of ingoing pressure losses.

The article was published in issue2 за 2011

Aret V.A., Baychenko L.A., Denisenko A.F., Nikolaev L.K., Scherbakov A.S. Use the results of rotational viscometry wheat dough in the calculations of pipelines

The article was published in issue1 за 2013

Aret V.A., Eliseev A.M. , Fedorova L.A. Interpolation rule for estimating the greatest stress in a structure subject to creep

The article was published in issue3 за 2013

Aret V.A., Scherbakov A.S. Change the rheological properties of wheat-corn dough at different shear rates and temperature of the product

The article was published in issue3 за 2013

Pelenko V.V., Aret V.A., Ольшевский Р.Г., Zuev N.A., Kayka A.H., Tarabanovsky F, Bobrov S.V. Development of the mathematical model of the chopping process of meat raw materials in the top

The article was published in issue3 за 2013

Nikolaev B.L., Aret V.A., Nikolaev L.K. Theoretical determination of distribution normality’s of blade pressure of melting blades in volume tanks

The article was published in issue1 за 2012

Pelenko V.V., Aret V.A., Verboloz E.I., Ivanenko V.P., Pelenko F.V., DAYNEKO K.E. , Krysin A.G. Features of flow of thin-films of liquid in the conditions of slipping on the streamlined surface

The article was published in issue2 за 2012

Aret V.A., Baychenko L.A. The principle of virtual capacity in foodstuff ‘s rheometry

The article was published in issue2 за 2011

Pelenko V.V., Aret V.A., Verboloz E.I., Myakisheva A.A. On the stability of motion of the potatoes in the area of optical flaw detection

The article was published in issue2 за 2013

Aret V.A., Scherbakov A.S., Baychenko L.A. About the loss of stability of the various grain dough flow

The article was published in issue4 за 2013

Editorial address:
191002, St. Petersburg, street. Lomonosova 9, office. 2132

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