Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2020 (published: 23.06.2020)

Number 2(44)

Home > Issue > Modeling the kinetics of heat and mass transfer in the process of vacuum freezing of minced fish

UDC [664.951.65.08:633/635]:664.956

Modeling the kinetics of heat and mass transfer in the process of vacuum freezing of minced fish

Aleksanyan Igor Yu., Nugmanov A.H-H., Yartseva N.V. , Hudaliev Yuri M., Aisungurov N.D.

  This article is devoted to the study of heat and mass transfer in fish minced product, which, after forming in the form of an extrusion, is subjected to vacuum freezing to obtain frozen granulated products for functional purposes. In this case, the method of spontaneous vacuum freezing of thin minced fish was chosen, which according to the opinion of the authors is the most preferable in comparison with other methods due to the high speed of the process in particular. The purpose of this research is to solve the developed mathematical model of heat and mass transfer in the process of vacuum freezing of minced fish raw materials. A numerical finite-difference method was used to solve the system of equations of mass and mass transfer included in the mathematical model. The object of research was the developed frozen minced meat from carp and pike in the form of small granules with and without the addition of a Lactulose Premium powder mixture. By solving the mathematical model developed for the object of research and presenting its result as the evolution of temperature fields over the duration and layer of the minced granule, it was proved that the adapted differential equation of heat and mass transfer can be used for vacuum freezing of a wide range of minced food products in the form of a thin extrusion, which indicates its usefulness in engineering calculation procedures. Thus, using the results obtained in conjunction with other necessary studies will allow us to obtain rational operating parameters for various technologies of vacuum freezing of minced food products close to optimal, including functional orientated ones.
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Keywords: fish conservation; heat and mass transfer; mathematical description of heat and mass transfer; numerical methods; process kinetics; granulation of minced meat

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2020-10-2-11-21

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