About the issue
Декабрь 2014 (published: 03.12.2014)
Number 4(22)
Analytical and experimental evaluation of the effect of the friction torque kinematic pair knife-lattice performance shredder
Pelenko V.V., Zuev N.A., Ольшевский Р.Г., Ivanenko V.P., Krysin A.G.
Keywords: spinning, grinding, meat, mathematical model, kinematic pair, grill,knife, torque, power consumption.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC 637.02.73
Analytical and experimental evaluation of the effect of the friction torque kinematic pair knife-lattice performance shredder
Meat production has a significant share of the total food consumption of the country, with one of the main, the most common types of equipment for processing of raw meat are tops. Recently outdated park equipment food enterprises in Russia changed to import expensive equipment that requires spare parts, which always is not economically viable, especially for the mid-range of technical complexity. In this regard, the improvement of the domestic food processing equipment, and in particular tops, based on recent theoretical and technical-technological development, is extremely relevant and timely. Research on the subject of food industry are systemic in nature, are highly knowledge-intensive, which will get good results in the introduction of new developments in production.
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Keywords: spinning, grinding, meat, mathematical model, kinematic pair, grill,knife, torque, power consumption.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License