Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2016 (published: 22.06.2016)

Number 2(28)

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Processes and Food Production Equipment

Influence of fruit seed drying parameters on the quality of the oil Myronova N.A., Zhdanov Ivan Vyacheslavovich, Borovkov Sergii Alexandrovich, Poperechnyi A.N.

pp. 3–12

Grain legumes’ swelling and solubility of their dry solids Pankina I.A, Borisov L.M.

pp. 13–20

The impact of acrylic acid neutralization degree on the optical properties, the gelation, and swelling of the sodium acrylate polymerization products Alla P. Nechiporenko, Uspenskaya Mayya Valerievna, Gredyuhina I.V., Liudmila V. Plotnikova

pp. 21–31

Optimization of food grinding process in grinders Pelenko V.V., Malyavko D.P., Usmanov I.I., Ekimov V. G., Krysin A.G.

pp. 32–39

Propagation time impact of on the parameters of high gravity barley mash fermentation Kuznetcova K. A., Barakova N.V., Natchetova M.F.

pp. 40–48

Prospects for the use of by-products for food production Kremenevskaya M.I., Vikharev A.V., Yudina I. Yu.

pp. 49–53

Peculiarities of physics-chemical and mechanical processes of making the filling for cooked sausages Murashev S.V., Sherzody Sheroly

pp. 54–62

Comparative analysis of structural changes during cold treatment of beef and African ostrich muscles Baranenko D.A., Kolodyazna V.S., Broyko J.V.

pp. 63–69

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