About the issue
June 2016 (published: 22.06.2016)
Number 2(28)
Grain legumes’ swelling and solubility of their dry solids
Pankina I.A, Borisov L.M.
Keywords: grain legumes; swelling degree; swelling rate; the solubility of solids in water.
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Grain legumes’ swelling and solubility of their dry solids
The article deals with technological properties and kinetic characteristics of advantageous grain legumes grown in Russia to create new food products from natural high protein raw materials. Grain legumes from Nikolai Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources were analyzed: narrow-leaved lupine (Snezhest variety), soy beans (сортUssuriysakaya 211 variety), lentil (Petrovskaya 6 variety), and chickpea (Yubileiny variety). Three sample weights of 6 g. each were placed into the solution. At 30 minute intervals grain was removed, dried on filter paper and weighted. Average swelled grain mass was calculated. The grain swelled in water (рН= 6.8–7.0) at 20±0,1°C in temperature controlled cells. Main kinetic characteristics of water absorption were calculated: swelling degree (α), swelling speed (dα/dτ), and swelling speed constant (Кн). Chickpea was shown to have the maximum (2–4 times higher) swelling rate; lentil and soy beans – the minimum one. Optimal swelling times were specified: 4–5 hours — for chickpea and lupine, 6–7 hours — for soy beans and lentil. Cooking properties of the grain legumes in question were also analyzed. Lentil was shown to have the best ones, followed by soy beans, and chickpea. Lupine didn’t became soft even after 5 hour boiling. Relationship between technological properties of beans and dry solids water solubility was investigated. Lupine has the lowest one –11.79% after 90 minute boiling; soy beans – the highest one –17.93% after 80 minute boiling. As cooking time increases the solubility of dry solids is shown to increase greatly at the beginning, and then, when it is ready to serve, stabilizes and remains constant.
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Keywords: grain legumes; swelling degree; swelling rate; the solubility of solids in water.
DOI : 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-2-13-20

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