Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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September 2024 (published: 26.09.2024)

Number 3(61)

Home > Issue > Biotechnological potential of lactic acid bacteria during fermentation of the plant base for an alternative emmer drink

UDC 579.676; 664.696.9; 633.112.6

Biotechnological potential of lactic acid bacteria during fermentation of the plant base for an alternative emmer drink

Trofimov Andrey A. , Lavrinenko Ekaterina A. , Shevyakova Polina A. , Gunkova P.I., Moskvicheva E.V., Ekaterina Y. Fedinishina

The properties of Lactobacillus acidophilus BZ-AB culture, strains ofLimosilactobacillus fermentum B28, Lactiplantibacillus рlantarumB4, and their mixtures were studied in order to select cultures ensuring the optimal biotechnological process and to obtain a fermented alternative drink from high-quality emmer. The saccharolytic activity of bacteria was assessed by the rate of the changes in the optical density of the Gis medium with soluble sugars at a wavelength of 490 nm. The acid-forming activity of the cultures was determined by the dynamics of the pH of the fermented mixture. The number of bacterial cells was calculated by the Vinogradsky–Brid method. The organoleptic properties of the hydrolysate were assessed on a pre-developed five-point scale. It has been shown that lactic acid bacteria require soluble sugars for effective development. Their growth is provided by emmer flour hydrolysate with a maltose content of 23.66 g/dm3, glucose content of 9.90 g/dm3, and alpha-amine nitrogen content of 85.48 mg/100 g ensures, and it can be used as a vegetable base of a fermented beverage. It was found that, during fermentation of emmer hydrolysate, Lb. acidophilus BZ-AB lowers the pH level of the mixture to 4.5 ±0.1 for 5 hours, Lpb. plantarum B4 and Lilb. fermentum B28 – for 6 and 8 hours, accordingly, and a mixture of Lpb. plantarum B4 + Lilb. fermentum B28 in a ratio of 1:1 – for about 5.5 hours. The number of all the cultures in the fermented emmer flour hydrolysate reached the level of 109 cell/cm3. Mixing Lpb. plantarum B4 and Lilb. fermentum B28 in a ratio of 1:1 leads to an increase in the rate of acid formation and an increase in the number of cells compared with pure cultures commensurate with the indicators of Lb. acidophilus BZ-AB, as well as to achieve significantly higher scores of falvour for fermented hydrolysate. It has been established thatLb. acidophilus BZ-AB, Lpb. plantarum B4, and the mixture of Lpb. plantarum B4 and Lilb. fermentum B28 can be used for the fermentation of the plant base from emmer. The mixture of Lpb. plantarum B4 and Lilb. fermentum B28 has the highest biotechnological potential.
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Keywords: food biotechnology; alternative fermented beverages; potential of lactic acid bacteria; plant-based beverages; cereal beverages; emmer products

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2024-17-3-26-35

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