Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2024 (published: 21.03.2024)

Number 1(59)

Home > Issue > Fournier method of IR-spectroscopy in the study of the anomeric purity of α- and β-forms of crystalline D(+)-glucopyranoses

UDC 543.4:54-4

Fournier method of IR-spectroscopy in the study of the anomeric purity of α- and β-forms of crystalline D(+)-glucopyranoses

Alla P. Nechiporenko, Liudmila V. Plotnikova, Vеsо O.S., Sitnikova Vera E

A series of samples of α- and β-forms of crystalline D(+)-glucopyranose was studied by Fourier IR spectroscopyto assess the possibility of detecting an admixture of a concomitant anomer. It is shown that, unlike α-D(+)-glucopyranose, whose spectrum is characterized by an intense maximum of 1009 cm-1, in the spectrum of β-D(+)-glucopyranose in this region there is a complex band with a maximum of 993 cm-1 and a differentiated doublet of 1020/1012 cm-1. An important sign of the belonging of the structure of glucopyranose to the β-form is the presence of a band of 838 cm-1, and for α-D(+)-glucopyranose – the presence of a band of 851 cm-1. It is noted that wide structured bands in the region of (1500…1400) cm-1 clearly convey changes in the optical characteristics of OH groups as a result of the inversion of the pyranose cycle – a gentle slope of the right structured branch of the band with a maximum of 1460 cm–1 in the β-form and a steep rise of the left structured branch of the band with a maximum of 1424 cm-1. The obtained data showed the effectiveness of the Fourier method of IR spectroscopy in the analysis of the anomeric purity of crystalline D(+)-glucopyranose widely used in medical and pharmacological practice, cosmetology, and the food industry.
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Keywords: monosaccharides; Fourier IR spectroscopy; anomers of glucopyranose

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2024-17-1-25-34

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