Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2023 (published: 17.12.2023)

Number 4(58)

Home > Issue > Molecular transport processes in liquid nutrient media of yeast and beer industries. Part 3. Thermophysical properties of aqueous solutions of beet molasses and beer wort concentrate

UDC 66.098.4

Molecular transport processes in liquid nutrient media of yeast and beer industries. Part 3. Thermophysical properties of aqueous solutions of beet molasses and beer wort concentrate

Alexander G. Novoselov, Loginov Andrey Yu. , Igor V. Baranov, Chebotar A.V., Sorokin S.A.

Thermophysical properties of aqueous solutions of molasses and beer wort concentrate with different dry matter content in a wide range of temperature changes were investigated. Seven samples of aqueous solution of beet molasses with an initial dry matter concentration of 77.7 wt.% and seven samples of beer wort concentrate with an initial dry matter concentration of 81 wt.% were studied. The temperature variation range was 10–70℃ with a discreteness of 10℃. Thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity,and thermal diffusivity of the initial solutions were determined by unsteady plane source and differential scanning calorimetry methods. Numerical values of the above-mentioned thermal constants for aqueous solutions of beet molasses in the range of dry matter mass concentrations n of from 16 to 70% at the temperatures of from 293 to 353 K and of beer wort concentrate in the range of dry matter mass concentrations of from 10.2 to 72.4% at temperatures from 284 to 342 K have been experimentally established. Graphical dependences of heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity of these parameters on temperature are given. Design equations of the required parameters are obtained, which are of interest both from the point of view of fundamental science on the development of the theory for liquid state of matter, and from the applied point of view of engineering calculations and design of biotechnological equipment.
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Keywords: aerobic processes; thermophysical properties; molasses aqueous solution; beer wort concentrate; thermal conductivity; heat capacity; thermal diffusivity

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2023-16-4-3-13

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