Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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2021 (published: 17.12.2021)

Number 4(50)

Home > Issue > Viscosity of unrefined sunflower oils under directed mechanical action

UDC 665.35:32.13

Viscosity of unrefined sunflower oils under directed mechanical action

Volkov Sergey M., Fedorov Alexey V., Alexander G. Novoselov, Fedorov A.A. , Fridman I.A., Romanov Nikolay N.

The purpose of the research was to establish patterns of changes in the viscosity of sunflower oil from theparameters of external directional mechanical action. The object of the study was unrefined sunflower oils of high oleic and linoleic type, which differ in a wide range of concentrations of their components. The composition of the oils has been determined using gas-liquid chromatography, and viscosity experiments were carried out on a rotary viscometer. Methods of sample preparation, experimental research conditions, and storage have been developed. New data on viscosity with increasing and decreasing rotational force have been obtained. Ranges of gradients of shear rates have been established, at which the effect of "hysteresis" of changes in the viscosity of unrefined sunflower oils is observed, depending on the increaseor decrease in rotational force. The time characteristics of the stable preservation of its structural changes in a stationary statehave been obtained.
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Keywords: vegetable fats; unrefined sunflower oil; effective viscosity; dynamic viscosity coefficient; shear rate; micro-components; macro-components; fatty acid composition

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-4-3-11

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