Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2018 (published: 31.12.2018)

Number 4(38)

Home > Issue > Optical properties of lipids of animal origin

UDC 543.421/424

Optical properties of lipids of animal origin

Alla P. Nechiporenko, Vеsо O.S., Liudmila V. Plotnikova, Ulyana Yu. Nechiporenko, Mel’nikova M.I.

The aim of this work was a comparative study of industrial ghee from thedifferent types of animals (terrestrial domestic and wild, birds, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater and marine fish, marine mammals)by the disturbed total internal reflection (IRS)refractometry and spectroscopy methods. Studies were carried out in comparison with vegetable oils of4 groups (fatty-olive, sunflower, cedar, linen and solid – babass, cocoa) classified by iodine number. The obtained linear relationship between the optical refractive indices and the iodine number for fats and oils showed that the optical characteristics of allthe fats under investigation arebetween the parameters of the butters (group IV) and the one of flaxseedoil (group III)wich is the leader in terms of polyunsaturated linolenic acidcontent. However, the fats of domestic terrestrial animals, which are dominated by saturated fatty acids, are located between the indicators of buttersand olive oil (group I). Fats of wild terrestrial animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians,and freshwater fish are noticeably higher, i.e. between olive and sunflower oil (group II). The highest optical characteristics were observed for the fats of marine fish, which have fatty acids with 4–6 fold bonds in their composition – between the indices of sunflower and linseed oils. However, the method of refractometry gives an idea of the total content of multiple bonds in the lipid composition. A comprehensive study of the vibrational spectra showed that IR spectroscopy of NSAIDs, allowing us toconsider their entire set through the prism of individual manifestations of deformation and valence vibrations =CH-functionals and CH2-groups, allows us to obtain information about the structural features of triglycerides, their associates,and complexes in the lipid composition of animal origin.
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Keywords: spectral analysis; refractometry; infrared spectroscopy; animal fats

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2018-11-4-22-35

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