Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2018 (published: 29.12.2018)

Number 2(36)

Home > Issue > Effect of drying method on spectral characteristics of parsley root

UDC 543.421/424.635.32

Effect of drying method on spectral characteristics of parsley root

Filipov V.I., Ulyana Yu. Nechiporenko, Kudinov Roman E., Kudinova S.Yu.

A comparative study of the ground parsley root subjected to drying in three ways – sublimation (–30oC), and air one at 20 and 50oC, was carried out by infrared spectroscopy of the disturbed total internal reflection (IRS NIP) and standard chemical methods. Standard chemical methods were used to analyze samples for moisture, ash, ascorbic acid, extractive substances, and pH of aqueous extracts. The method of vibrational spectroscopy was used to study dry samples, concentrates of aqueous extracts, meal and ash of parsley root. The peculiarities of structural and chemical changes in the root tissue due to the physical nature of the drying method are clearly seen in both physical and chemical properties and spectral characteristics of the dry images and their components: water–soluble substances, meals, and ash. It is noted that sublimation drying and drying at 50°C have the most destructive effect on the structure of carbohydrate – the main component of the root crop. For protein structures that are part of the polysaccharide complexes, elevated positive temperatures are sensitive. The decrease in the carbohydrate content of aqueous extracts with an increase in the processing temperature is accompanied by an increase in the intensity of the corresponding bands in the spectra of air dry meals. Analazing influence of technological conditions of drying samples on the spectral characteristics of ash obtained under standard conditions (650°C, 4 hours), allowed to note the presence of bands of different intensity, characteristic of protein and carbohydrate components, in the composition of almost all samples. The data obtained in the study of the parsley root show that the method of IRS allows us to see differences in the transformation of changes in the structure and composition of the main biocomponents of plant tissue occurring in different methods of drying and affecting its biochemical, nutritional, and preventive properties.
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Keywords: spectral analysis; freeze-drying; the method of infrared spectroscopy; parsley root; food properties

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2018-11-2-44-54

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