About the issue
December 2017 (published: 25.12.2017)
Number 4(34)
Screening input parameters in distilled malt spirit technology for obtaining a sensory profile with maximum acceptability
Romanov V.A., Barakova N.V.
Keywords: food biotechnology; imitation modeling; fuzzy logic; choosing production parameters; malt distillate
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC 663
Screening input parameters in distilled malt spirit technology for obtaining a sensory profile with maximum acceptability
The article deals with the process of choosing production parameters of raw materials, mashing, and fermentation that allow for obtaining optimal final parameters of the product, namely sensory profile of distilled malt spirit. Sensorics mainly depend on overall concentrations of three groups of compounds: aliphatic aldehydes, higher alcohols, and esters. The parameters chosen involved raw material (barley malt), its parameters affecting cooked mash composition, fermentation process and, subsequently, final distillate sensorics. Methodology of raw material screening was ranking sensorics with various initial parameters obtained non-randomly. The actual ranking criterion was aggregated sensorics parameter Ĉ – linear aggregation of concentration figures for basic sensory active compounds with relevance coefficients (multipliers). The latter were found by projecting an acceptance score of a corresponding parameter evaluated by test panel onto a unitless scale of form 0 to 1. The possibility of obtaining the most acceptable, in an expert opinion, sensory profile in the malt distillate via screening input parameters is demonstrated. The above approach, being a kind of production process imitation modeling, allows for expert opinions to be utilized in screening and improving processing parameters for any foodstuffs, as well as synthesizing controlling methods (controllers) in manual and automatic biotechnology process control.
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Keywords: food biotechnology; imitation modeling; fuzzy logic; choosing production parameters; malt distillate
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2017-10-4-53-60

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License