About the issue
2016 (published: 16.12.2016)
Number 4(30)
Biodegradation of carbohydrates in apple juice
Pankina I.A, Belokurova E.S.
Keywords: bio fermentation; apple juice; microorganisms; alcohol by volume
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UDC 663.31:634.11
Biodegradation of carbohydrates in apple juice
The article deals with bio fermentation of apple juice produced commercially. Hydrolysis in two juice samples under the influence of Sacharomyces ccerevisiae yeasts and Lactobacillus plantarum lactic acid bacteria is analyzed. Juices for experiment were produced in Russia and sold in St. Petersburg. Their organoleptic and physicochemical properties were investigated. Both samples are shown to have taste, color, and flavor usual for apple juices. Frutonanya NFC juice has a more pronounced balanced taste and a thicker consistency, fruit pulp being distributed uniformly. NFC juices are demonstrated to have 1.5 higher content of ascorbic acid compared to reconstituted juices. After the microbiological treatment of the samples a low-alcohol beverage (of cider type) and a nonalcoholic beverage (kvas) were obtained. Their organoleptic and physicochemical properties were evaluated, alcohol content, original weight ratio, ascorbic acid content, and reducing sugar ratio being among them. The drinks demonstrate great difference in some physicochemical properties: e.g. alcohol by volume in the juices fermented by Sacharomyces ccerevisiae is 10 times more than in ones fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum, and titratable acidity value is 10% less on the average for the low-alcohol beverage. We should note that degree of attenuation for a NFC juice is a bit higher than for a reconstituted juice. This is also proved by pH value of the beverages produced. The experimental data obtained prove the potential for forced carbohydrate hydrolysis to produce fermented drinks of different composition, nutritive value and purpose.
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Keywords: bio fermentation; apple juice; microorganisms; alcohol by volume
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-4-58-64

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License