Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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2016 (published: 16.12.2016)

Number 4(30)

Home > Issue > The influence of binding agent on the properties of polyacrylate systems. Part I

UDC 637.528

The influence of binding agent on the properties of polyacrylate systems. Part I

Alla P. Nechiporenko, Uspenskaya Mayya Valerievna, Gredyuhina I.V., Liudmila V. Plotnikova

The influence of binding agent and the neutralization degree (0–100%) of acrylic acid in solutions of the reaction mixtures on the swelling, density, and acid-base characteristics of dry powdered hydrogel polymeric materials is analyzed. Complex extreme nature of the swelling curves for hydrogels indicates the frequency in changes of the swelling degree correlating with the refractive index of the samples in the series of polymers under investigation. The fact, proved by the microscopy results for dry and swollen hydrogels, is explained by the presence the samples of two different systems (up to 50% neutralization of the acrylic acid and ever higher) in the series being analyzed, the properties of which are due to different ratios of the main components in the reaction mixtures - acrylic acid and sodium acrylate. The amount of binding agent has virtually no effect on general character of the swelling curves of hydrogels. It affects the degree of swelling and density of the swollen polymer shapes. However, the lack of binding changes the appearance of the swelling curve significantly - swelling occurs in samples with the acrylic acid neutralization degree is more than 40%. The analysis of dry hydrogel by kinetic pH measurement showed that their acid-base properties are formed at the stage of acrylic acid solution neutralization with the formation of acrylate buffer mixtures associated with the properties of dry hydrogels to a large extent.
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Keywords: acrylics; polyacrylates; swelling of the polyacrylates; the microscopy of the polyacrylates

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-4-40-49

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