Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)

Number 3(25)

Home > Issue > Technological evaluation of the suitability of different varieties of black currants to produce different types of wines

UDC 663.2.3

Technological evaluation of the suitability of different varieties of black currants to produce different types of wines

Stepanova N.Y.

In the conditions of the Leningrad region berries of a sorodina black can serve as fine raw materials for winemaking. Data of a chemical composition of wine from blackcurrant show changes of the content of useful substances depending on a grade and type of wine. The content of sugars in the stoloykh wines of 8–9%, in dessert and liqueur 15–23%. Lower acidity in table wines — 1,0–1,2% due to dilution by water. Liqueur wines have the highest acidity of 1,6–1,8%. The special attention is paid to preservation of the most unstable vitamin – ascorbic acid which at long storage or thermal treatment almost completely collapses, by production of wine its quantity was reduced by 5 times, but thus remained at rather high level: 15–17 mg/100 g in table wines and 20–24 mg/100 g in liqueur wines. In work influence of the studied grade and the contents is reflected in it fresh biologically valuable substances on the subsequent changes when processing. The grade Detskoselskaya which is allowing to keep in wine the greatest number of ascorbic acid of 17–24,8 mg/100 г, having lower acidity for 0,2–0,4% and the raised content of sugars is allocated and recommended for production of wine (for 2–3%).
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Keywords: Fruit and berry wine, black currant, chemical composition, organoleptic evaluation

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