Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)

Number 3(25)

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Processes and Food Production Equipment

Safety assessment of sour milk products of high biological value Malygina V.D. , Antoshina K.A. , Lisovskaya L.E.

pp. 1-5

The nature of increased cutting ability of a polyethylene oxide solution jet while processing food products Deynichenko G.V. , Pogrebnyak A.V. , Ivanyuta Yu.F.

pp. 6-13

Improvement of yoghurt structure properties with amaranth extract and tranglutaminase addition Shleykin A.G., Danilov N.P. , Argymbaeva A.E. , Rykov S.V.

pp. 14-21

Application of methods of the regular thermal mode for definition of heatphysical characteristics of foodstuff Filipov V.I.

pp. 22-30

Choise of yeast for frozen shaped sweet dough Dmitrieva Yu V, Andreev A.N.

pp. 31-44

Influence of metabolism products of entomopathogenic nematodes symbiotic bacteria on the harvest of potato Agansonova N.E.

pp. 45-50

Effect of cold treatment on structural changes of muscle tissue veal Kolodyaznaya V.S., Broyko J.V.

pp. 51-57

Improvement of technology and equipment for an intensification of production of flour confectionery Verboloz E.I., Antufiev V.T., Savchenko R.N.

pp. 58-63

Influence of processing of tuber crops biological products on intensity of breath and activity of oxidases at their storage Kolodyaznaya V.S., Glazkova O.R. , Boulkrane M.S., Nagiyev T.B.

pp. 64-70

Using theproductof goats lactation in the manufactureof naturalproteinbases forinstant foodmixtures Glotova I.A. , Erofeeva N.A. , Shakhov A.S.

pp. 71-80

Influence ofturbulizer design features of membrane unit on the ultrafiltration process hydrodynamics Shevtsov A.A. , Derkanosova A.A. , Korotaeva A.A. , Tonkih N.V. , Muravev A.S.

pp. 81-90

Prospects for the use of secondary raw materials mill products in the technology of bakery products Merenkova S.P. , Lukin A A

pp. 91-98

Selection of the flavor additives for sour cream product with extract of green tea Evstigneeva T.N., Yakovleva R.V.

pp. 99-106

Particularities of the process of the reception vitaminizirovannyh and mineralizirovannyh fish products Alexeev G.V., Aksenova O.I. , Zolotareva A.A., Hripankova M.S.

pp. 107-119

Comparative analysis of methods for the determinationof gluten concentration in wheat flour Barakova N.V., Ustinova A S, Nazarova V.V., Martynenko V.E.

pp. 120-125

Study of the change of the physical properties of water-grain suspensions prepared on the basis of rye grain in the process of water-heat processing Stepanenko A.V. , Gulyaeva Yu. N. , Alexander G. Novoselov

pp. 126-135

Development of pivopodobny drink on the basis of a permeat of whey Arsenyeva T.P., Borzdаyа E.V. , Strizhneva O.N.

pp. 136-141

Processing of non-traditional crops with unique characteristics in the North- West region of Russia Kuznetsova N.M.

pp. 142-149

Technological evaluation of the suitability of different varieties of black currants to produce different types of wines Stepanova N.Y.

pp. 150-157

Kinetics of infrared drying shredded carrots Demidov S.F., Voronenko B.A., Bazhanovа I.A.

pp. 158-163

Research and practice of definitions (calculating) the composition of multicomponent mixtures Balubash V.A., Aleshichev S.E.

pp. 164-171

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