Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)

Number 3(25)

Home > Issue > Improvement of yoghurt structure properties with amaranth extract and tranglutaminase addition

UDC 577+637

Improvement of yoghurt structure properties with amaranth extract and tranglutaminase addition

Shleykin A.G., Danilov N.P. , Argymbaeva A.E. , Rykov S.V.

To obtain functional dairy products is an important issue to improve the diet of the population. This article is devoted to development of yoghurt with transglutaminaseenzyme. Transglutaminase (EC performs cross-linking of proteins, strengthening the structure of the product. The concentration of transglutaminase used was 4 U/g of protein (0.1 %). Amaranth extract prepared from amaranth flour weighed in 5 % concentration per fermented samples volume was used as a vegetable additive to get yogurt. Amaranth is composed of a variety of nutrients, valuable proteins, vitamins, squalene with antitumor activity. Influence of used additives on the fermented product structure and organoleptic properties was investigated. It was found consistence, viscosity and organoleptic properties had been improved.
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Keywords: yoghurt, transglutaminase, enzyme's cross-kinking, amaranth.

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