Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2025 (published: 13.03.2025)

Number 1(63)

Home > List of authors > Aret V.A.

Aret V.A.

Work place:

Арет Вальдур Аулисович

Aret V.A., Иминов Р.В. , Antufiev V.T., Gromtsev S.A. Study of the resource-saving process of the bread-cuting.

The article was published in issue1 за 2012

Aret V.A., Verboloz E.I., Pelenko F.V., Pelenko V.V. External friction in the simulation of the screw extruder

The article was published in issue1 за 2012

Aret V.A., Scherbakov A.S., Кузнецов А.В. Effect of curvature on the tube movement of non-Newtonian fluid

The article was published in issue2 за 2012

Baychenko L.A., Kondratov A.V., Aret V.A., Zelenkov V. K. Mathematical simulation of the food processing equipment starting mode and rheometers

The article was published in issue3 за 2014

Aret V.A., Baychenko L.A., Baychenko A.A., Zelenkova A.A. Physical and chemical mechanics and psychorheology of the preventive bread "VITAMET"

The article was published in issue2 за 2014

Kremenevskaya M.I., Aret V.A., Sosnina O.A., Panchenco M.Yu., Rubtsov A.K. , Moskvicheva E.V. Features of the technology of functional ingredients enriched with biologically active substances of chondroprotective action

The article was published in issue1 за 2021

Editorial address:
191002, St. Petersburg, street. Lomonosova 9, office. 2132

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