Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2024 (published: 13.12.2024)

Number 4(62)

Home > List of authors > Tsuranov O.A.

Tsuranov O.A.

Work place:

Университет ИТМО Институт холода и биотехнологий 921002, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Ломоносова, 9

Pelenko V.V., Zuev N.A., Bobrov S.V., Malyavko D.P., Malugin G.I., Tsuranov O.A. Problems of development of the theory and practice of industrial shredding-cutting equipment

The article was published in issue1 за 2014

Tsuranov O.A. , Krysin A.G., Voronenko B.A. Some aspects of an intensification of cooling culinary products

The article was published in issue1 за 2014

Tsuranov O.A. , Krysin A.G., Voronenko B.A. Assessment of duration of freezing of a product at a variable temperature of the heat-removing environment

The article was published in issue1 за 2014

Tsuranov O.A. , Krysin A.G., Voronenko B.A. Influence of heat exchange on thickness choice thermal insulations of refrigerating chests

The article was published in issue1 за 2014

Tsuranov O.A. , Krysin A.G., Bykova V.V. Assessment of change of temperature frozen product-tion in commercial refrigeration of equipment in convective and conductive heat transfer conditions

The article was published in issue1 за 2015

Tsuranov O.A. , Krysin A.G., Bykova V.V., Timofeyevsky A.L., Voronenko B.A., Pelenko V.V. About influence of some parameters of work of the milling cutter of soft ice cream on its productivity

The article was published in issue2 за 2015

Editorial address:
191002, St. Petersburg, street. Lomonosova 9, office. 2132

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