Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)

Number 1(23)

Home > Issue > Assessment of change of temperature frozen product-tion in commercial refrigeration of equipment in convective and conductive heat transfer conditions

UDC 621.56

Assessment of change of temperature frozen product-tion in commercial refrigeration of equipment in convective and conductive heat transfer conditions

Tsuranov O.A. , Krysin A.G., Bykova V.V.

Short-term storageof frozen food in the sales area includes free access to the buyer, which is provided with cooling equipment opens the door.An estimation method forchanging the temperature of the frozen product when stored in low-temperature commercial refrigeration equipment with discrete cyclical changes of the air temperature and convective heat transfer under conditions of heat exchange contact with the surface of the evaporator of the chiller. The character of the temperature field of frozen product in time for each of the above conditions of heat exchange. As opening the door showcases cold-tion air comes out of it and is replaced by warm air, tempera-mode-temperature storage of frozen food is broken and even more significantly, the more often the door open for a longer promo zhutok time. Installed amplitude of temperature fluctuations in the volume of the product is technically unacceptable and requires a change in how the conditions of storage products and methods of regulation, the cooling capacity of the compressor chiller torus traction refrigeration. Provided a computer model of the process conditions for the storage of frozen products in commercial refrigeration equipment. In a model experiment frozen food established that deep penetration of the heat wave in the product that is the basis for the creation of automatic control systems refrigerating machine in the absence of cyclicity in its work.
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Keywords: product, freezing, refrigerating machine, evaporator, showcase, temperature, convection heat transfer contact.

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