Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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SEPTEMBER 2011 (published: 01.09.2011)

Number 2(12)

Home > Issue > Research of the properties and practical usage of anthocyanin pigments obtained from cranberries by method of freeze-drying

UDC 634.739.2:663.916

Research of the properties and practical usage of anthocyanin pigments obtained from cranberries by method of freeze-drying

BOLEYKO L.A. , Murashev S.V., Verzhuk V.G., ZHESTKOV A.S.

Nowadays, anthocyanin pigments are actively promoted all over the world, because of they contain, except for color pigments, other useful bioactive components: vitamins, glycosides, organic acids, aromatic substances, trace elements and other elements in their composition; and their usage allows not only to improve the appearance, to give an attractive, natural color, but also to increase the biological value of the product. Therefore the article deals with anthocyanin pigment obtained of cranberries by method of freeze-drying and investigated its properties, the changes during storage, as well as their practical use for coloration souffle.
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Keywords: cranberries, anthocyanin pigments, natural colorants, souffle, color.

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