Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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SEPTEMER 2012 (published: 01.09.2012)

Number 2(14)

Home > Issue > Study of the application of the activated serum für accelerated tech-nology + of batching

UDC 637.5

Study of the application of the activated serum für accelerated tech-nology + of batching

Antufiev V.T., KORNIENKO YU.I. , Ivanova M.A. , BEZUS E.V.

The purpose of carried-out researches is the development of accelerated technology of batching enriched white bread from the first grade flour. The mechanism of use of special-ly processed serum for preparation of dough and barmy suspension in the developed devic-es by step-gradient magnetic and electromagnetic processing of food liquids was suggested and realized. Preliminary experiments of the accelerated technology with application of electromagnetic activation of barmy suspension and serum during the kneading and rising showed positive results. Cost of the equipment for with the know-how (the activation de-vice) will increase for 6-8 %, with expected economic effect 20 %. The insistence of the processed yeast to the temperature decreases at in case of low quality of flour. Speed of ga-thering of acidity and carbon dioxide in the dough essentially increases, also water absorp-tion and plasticity increases.
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Keywords: of accelerated technology of batching, the activated serum, yeast suspension, the field magnetic

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