About the issue
SEPTEMER 2013 (published: 01.09.2013)
Number 3(17)
Improving technology for cheese tofu using enzyme transglutaminase
Domorackyi S. S., Kurganova E.V.
Keywords: protein deficiency, tofu, transglutaminase, hypoglycemic effect, type II diabetes.
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UDC 637.5
Improving technology for cheese tofu using enzyme transglutaminase
:mprovement of the technology of soy cheese at the expense of introduction the enzyme transglutaminase to seal structure and increase in release of finished products. The following problems were solved: improvement of the technology of obtaining the soy cheese using enzyme transglutaminase; study of the influence of the enzyme soy protein when heated; research of dependence of the seal structure of the received product of the concentration of the enzyme; explore biochemical, technological, microbiological indicators soy cheese the resulting improved technology.
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Keywords: protein deficiency, tofu, transglutaminase, hypoglycemic effect, type II diabetes.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License