Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2024 (published: 18.06.2024)

Number 2(60)

Home > Issue > Simulation model of treatment facilities for the slaughterhouse of a poultry farm

UDC 504.4.062.2; 504.064.38; 004.942

Simulation model of treatment facilities for the slaughterhouse of a poultry farm

Semenova Tatiana S., Sergienko O.I.

We designed a multi-stage technological scheme of treatment facilities for the slaughterhouse of a poultry farmin order to determine the most effective option for a changing wastewater load. The quality of purification was assessed by such physicochemical indicators as suspended solids content, dissolved oxygen concentration, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, as well as total nitrogen and phosphorus values. The article presents the results of simulation modeling fot the behavior of the system under variable load with wastewater using the GPS-X software product with the Mantis2 calculation model. To assess the sensitivity of the model, pollutant concentrations were varied within a range of ±20% of the mean value in the original effluent. The results of modeling the operation of wastewater treatment facilities at a poultry farm were carried out when the concentration of pollutants at the entrance to the averaging tank changed from a minimum value equal to the maximum permissible concentrations to the maximum composition of wastewater from the poultry farm. It was found that, when varying the initial data, the selected scheme provides sufficiently high treatment efficiency over the entire range of changes in the concentrations of pollutants at the inlet, except for total nitrogen, which is probably due to the accumulation of organic nitrogen in activated sludge at disruption of the metabolic processes in the aeration tank. It is shown that the use of simulation modeling at the stage of development of a complex of treatment facilities allows to analyze various scenarios of system behavior, taking into account dynamic changes in the volume of water consumption during production, as well as seasonal changes in the composition of wastewater in food production.
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Keywords: пищевые системы; имитационное моделирование; комплекс очистных сооружений; сточные воды; убойный цех птицефабрики; GPS-X; эффективность

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2024-17-2-19-28

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