About the issue
2021 (published: 27.09.2021)
Number 3(49)
An original method for the experimental determination of the dynamic viscosity coefficient for high-viscosity media and its determination for sheep tail fat
Elmurzaev A.A., Aisungurov N.D., Aleksanyan Igor Yu., Rudnev S.D., Nugmanov A.H-H.
Keywords: rheology; physical and mechanical properties of raw materials; experimental methods; physical density; dynamic viscosity; structuremeters; chicken fat
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC [637.5.002.62-404.2:665.221]:532.133
An original method for the experimental determination of the dynamic viscosity coefficient for high-viscosity media and its determination for sheep tail fat
The purpose of this study was to determine the density and coefficient of dynamic viscosity of lamb tail fat. To determine the physical density of the object the well-known pycnometric method was used, in which the calculation formula based on the principle of additivity was corrected, since the defined characteristic obeys this rule. After the series of experiments, the average value of the physical density of tail fat was determined, equal to 802 kg/m3. This article presents an original technique that allows using the ST-2 structuremeter to experimentally determine the values of the dynamic viscosity coefficient for various high-viscosity media, tested on the example of a semi-finished product from the minced lamb tail fat. The authors present an original algorithm for calculating the dynamic viscosity coefficient for the dispersed fat under study, by implementing which its numerical value is determined – 567.6 Pa·s. The research presented in the article is relevant, since the systematization of the advantages and disadvantages of the known approaches to determining the viscosity characteristics has shown that the traditional criterion equations, in particular the Stokes equation describing the kinetics of gravitational deposition for the laminar regime, which could be used for experimental determination of the dynamic viscosity coefficient for high-viscosity media, are practically not suitable.
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Keywords: rheology; physical and mechanical properties of raw materials; experimental methods; physical density; dynamic viscosity; structuremeters; chicken fat
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-3-38-48

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License