About the issue
2020 (published: 29.09.2020)
Number 3(45)
Determination of thermophysical and structural-mechanical characteristics of aqueous extracts from fruit and berry raw materials
Андреева Е.В., Aleksanyan Igor Yu., Nugmanov A.H-H.
Keywords: heat and mass transfer processes; properties of substances and materials; determination of thermophysical and structural-mechanical characteristics; extract drying parameters; fruits of black mulberry (mulberry).
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UDC [664.854:634.65/.66]: [536.24:66.021.4:66.047]
Determination of thermophysical and structural-mechanical characteristics of aqueous extracts from fruit and berry raw materials
This article presents studies of the thermophysical, structural-mechanical, and heat exchange parameters of an aqueous extract from mulberry berries as an object of dehydration with the aim of further studying the processes of concentration and drying of this solution to establish their rational operating parameters and effective methods of influencing the kinetics and intensity of heat and mass transfer. The end product of a comprehensive study will be a natural powder dye, the consumer quality of which is largely determined by its thermophysical, structural-mechanical, and heat exchange parameters. They are necessary to predict when analyzing the influence of internal processes of heat and moisture transfer on the intensity of spray dehydration and on the processes of shape and structure formation of a powder product. In carrying out the above studies, various calculation and physical methods were used. The densityvalues were found by the pycnometric method, and the thermophysical characteristics were revealed usingthe express probe method, including using the principle of additivity and the laws of their variation. The values of the heat transfer coefficient during drying of the material with convective energy supply were calculated on the basis of the obtained experimental data. The obtained values of the complex of parametersaffecting the drying process, as well as the patterns of their variation in rational temperature and humidityranges, are necessary for the rational design of moisture removal processes and drying equipment. The effectiveness of the application of those techniques that are presented in the work has been proven, since subsequent mathematical modeling of the drying of the investigated aqueous extract showed a relative error adequate for engineering calculations (less than 5%) in comparison with field experiments on a real laboratory drying plant.
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Keywords: heat and mass transfer processes; properties of substances and materials; determination of thermophysical and structural-mechanical characteristics; extract drying parameters; fruits of black mulberry (mulberry).
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2020-10-3-27-35

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