Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2019 (published: 17.12.2019)

Number 4(42)

Home > Issue > Obtaining potato based extruded snacks

UDC 664.87

Obtaining potato based extruded snacks

Aksenova O.I. , Alekseev G. V., Sirokorensky Ilya S.

The aim is to study the process of producing extruded potato-based snacks on a single screw extruder, to develop production process of potato-based snacks enriched with proteins from salmon processing byproducts. The choice of the mixture components was due to recipe mixture balance, its maximum biological value, availability, and the cost and traditional character of the raw materials. Fish powder from the pieces behind head,excrescences, and belles of salmon in the mass fraction of — 0–25% to the potato flakes was used for the experiment. The upper dosage limit was determined by organoleptic and physicochemical indictors, as well as economic feasibility of new extruded product production. Extrudate samples were analyzed in terms of their organoleptic properties, final moisture content, bulk density, and coefficient of extension. As a result of the study it was established that the addition of 10% of the powder from the pieces behind head,excrescences, and belles of salmon to potato flakes provides a fairly high biological value, good organoleptic and physicochemical parameters in all extrudate samples. It was revealed that the major factors influencing the course of the extrusion process are cross-sectional area of the molding die canal and initial moisture of the recipe mixture. The kinetic laws of extrusion of a fish-potato mixture have been established; the relationship between the initial moisture of the mixture and the pressure in the extruder working chamber as well as the initial moisture of the mixture and the temperature in chamber are inversely proportional; the relationship between expansion coefficients and the starch content of the extruded mixture is directly proportional; the relationship between the expansioncoefficient and the diameter of the die channel is inversely proportional. Experiments have revealed that the optimal parameters of the technological process of extrusion of fish and potato mixture at which the highest expansion coefficient S = 315% and the uniform porous texture of the extrudate is achieved are as follows: the moisture of the mixture – 14%, the temperature — 135–140°C, and the pressure — 3.5–4 MPa, sectional area of the die canal 3.5·10-4 m2. The results obtained can be used by enterprises engaged in the production of extruded snacks, to optimize the extrusion regimes of potato snacks, and to improve the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the recipe mixture, as well as to reduce costs.
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Keywords: production of food concentrates; snacks; thermoplastic extrusion; potato processing; fish processing byproducts; coefficient of expansion

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2019-12-4-55-66

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