Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

December 2019 (published: 17.12.2019)

Number 4(42)

Home > Issue > Electron beam treatment of pork muscle tissue sections in radurization modes

UDC 637.528

Electron beam treatment of pork muscle tissue sections in radurization modes

Orehova S.M., Alla P. Nechiporenko, Ulyana Yu. Nechiporenko

Diffuse reflection electron spectroscopy (ESDR) was used to study the optical characteristics of cross sections of whole muscle tissue of pork irradiated with a beam of fast electrons with a power of 0.9 MeV in radurization modes (6.5–25.0 kGr). Intact muscle tissue was exposed to radiation and treated with 40% ethanol solution in two ways – contact and pulse irrigation technique. During the irradiation period, the samples were stored for three months in a refrigerating chamber at 4°C. Regular monitoring of the total contamination of samples and morphological composition of the microflora developing during storage was carried out by microscopy of prints from their surface by the Gram method. The aim of the work was to identify the spectral manifestation of the processes of muscle tissue reconstruction itself in the irradiation period depending on the absorbed radiation dose and the method of treatment of samples with ethanol. It is shown that spontaneous regenerative processes of muscle fiber are caused by destructive processes of protein components of sarcoplasma and connective tissue depending on the absorbed dose of radiation, providing the system with building material at the expense of its own resources. The use of ethanol as a sterilizing agent allowed us to note a number of its functions of prolonged action, complementing and enhancing the action of the electron beam, but reducing the level of the radiation threshold. Recommendations are given that allow for a long time to keep the muscle tissue of pork fresh. The research has shown unique possibilities of electron-beam modification of solid biological systems as a method of directed initiation and research of those processes which are inaccessible or difficult for other methods.
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Keywords: meat products; muscle tissue; electron beam method; electron reflection spectroscopy

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2019-12-4-18-30

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