About the issue
September 2019 (published: 24.09.2019)
Number 3(41)
Antimicrobial activity of ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions
Sharova N.Yu. , Mityukov A.S., Barakova N.V., Nsengumuremyi D
Keywords: grain storage; microbiology; antibacterial activity; ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions; antimicrobial; Bacillus subtillis; rye and oat grain
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UDC 664.724
Antimicrobial activity of ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions
The article presents еру data on the effect of ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions, obtained by cold and hot method from sapropels of Seryodka deposit (Pskov region, Russia), on the viability of Bacillus subtillis bacterial culture. Two model variants of sapropels’ influence on bacterial culture are investigated. The former is without long-time contact, the latter is with the conctact of sapropel suspension with bacterial cells for various periods of time before their seeding. Then, seeding was carried out on agar medium. Similar studies were carried out with rye grain and oat grain of high humidity and contamination.The bactericidal activity of ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions was determined by counting the colonies formed on the Petri dish after 24 hours and compared with wort-agar medium (control). As a result of the bacteriostatic activity study it was found that the inhibition effect on the Bacillus subtillis culture of without prior exposure in ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions is negligible. The effect is obtained by keeping the bacterial cells in 5.0 and 10.0 cm3 ultradisperse humic sapropel suspension for more than 12 hours at the temperature of 20.5 ± 0.5°С. It is concluded that ultra-dispersed humic sapropel suspensions have a noticeable bacteriostatic effect only when keeping bacterial cells are prelimimary held in suspensions. A similar trend is noted for the grain of rye and oat, but with longer contact with suspensions. The enhanced bacteriostatic effect has been detected for ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions obtained by the hot method.
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Keywords: grain storage; microbiology; antibacterial activity; ultradisperse humic sapropel suspensions; antimicrobial; Bacillus subtillis; rye and oat grain
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2019-12-3-25-31

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License