About the issue
2018 (published: 29.12.2018)
Number 2(36)
The peculiarities of mucilage polysaccharide extraction from flax seeds
Minevich I.E., Osipova L.L., Alla P. Nechiporenko, Smirnova E.I., Mel’nikova M.I.
Keywords: flax seeds; flax seed polysaccharides; extraction; extraction kinetics; flax seed proteins; refractometry; IR reflection spectroscopy
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UDC 633.521:582.751.42:547.917:66.061.34
The peculiarities of mucilage polysaccharide extraction from flax seeds
The comprehensive study of polysaccharide extraction dry products from two varieties of flax seeds (domestic selection) obtained by water extraction at 60°C and by subsequent purification of the extracts by precipitation in the excess of ethanol was conducted. Refractometry, infrared spectroscopy of disturbed total internal reflection,and standard chemical methods were used. The dry matter content of the extract was determined, as well as the protein and fat ones,depending on the extraction time. The comparative analysis for IR spectra of dry target products showed that, regardless of the isolation method, they had an identical structure. However, the extracts of flax seed polysaccharides had a much lower viscosity compared to purified polysaccharide complexes. The study of the kinetics by three independent methods made it possible to note that the yield of the components controlled(protein and glucose)is of an extreme but antibate character. This allowed assuming that the proteoglycans of low molecular weight, which form the basis of the acidic polysaccharide fraction, are the first to enter the extract.
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Keywords: flax seeds; flax seed polysaccharides; extraction; extraction kinetics; flax seed proteins; refractometry; IR reflection spectroscopy
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2018-11-2-3-11

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License