Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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сентябрь 2016 (published: 30.09.2016)

Number 3(29)

Home > Issue > Optimum form of the blade instrument for pulverizing fruits and vegetables

UDC 664.736-2

Optimum form of the blade instrument for pulverizing fruits and vegetables

Minaeva L.V. , Minaeva T.V. , Kravcova E.V., Alekseev G. V.

The article deals with modelling for the process of food grinding, lemon in particular, by means of blades. An experimental device was designed.The optimum parameters of grinding process are chosen: edge sizes of the working body (linear, angular), roughness parameters, tool life, grinding time, effective grinding power and speed, rotation frequency of the working body. The form of the working body is analyzed. It is a set of sickle-shaped knives arranged with an offset of planes at 90° relative to each other with a clearance between them. On the basis of experimental and theoretical investigations of the grinding process the optimal form of the grinder working body blade are defined: the optimal slip angle of the knife blade τ= 600° corresponding to the minimum specific work, transformed sharpening angle β1= 7° 38’. The developed design of the blade tool allows to intensifing the process of grinding, preventing slippage and jamming of the product between the blades and between the blades and the wall. The design helps to increase economic benefits and to preserve the quality of the finished product. The research results confirm the correctness the model under investigation and allows making parctical recommendations for lemon grinding in smoothie making.
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Keywords: dynamic crushing; slide cutting; lemon; smoothie; blade working body.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-3-32-38

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