About the issue
June 2016 (published: 22.06.2016)
Number 2(28)
Comparative analysis of structural changes during cold treatment of beef and African ostrich muscles
Baranenko D.A., Kolodyazna V.S., Broyko J.V.
Keywords: muscular tissue; second category beef; African ostrich; structure; electronic spectra; cold treatment.
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UDC 664.057
Comparative analysis of structural changes during cold treatment of beef and African ostrich muscles
Comparative analysis of structural changes in muscular tissue of second category beef hip and the African ostrich during "cooling–freezing–defrosting" cycle was made. The objects of research were muscular tissue of second category beef hip and the African ostrich. Analysis of structural changes in muscular tissue of the cooled and frozen meat was conducted by the method of the electronic spectroscopy of diffusive reflection (ESDR) in the range of wave lengths λfrom 200 to 700 nanometers. Electronic absorption spectra for parallel-the-grain and against-the-graincuttingsof beef and ostrich muscular tissue cooled at t = (3±1)°C and frozen at t = (–35±1)°Сwere obtained .
It is shown that the ESDF method can be recommended to describe the state of beef muscle tissue in terms of the intensity of the absorption bands at λ = 250 and 295 nm and the one of ostrich at λ = 255, 285 and 310 nm. Thevalues of absorption band intensity in the interval of wave lengths under investigation are higher both for parallel-the-grain and against-the-graincuttingsof the frozen muscular ostrich tissue.
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Keywords: muscular tissue; second category beef; African ostrich; structure; electronic spectra; cold treatment.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-2-63-69

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License