Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2016 (published: 22.06.2016)

Number 2(28)

Home > Issue > Prospects for the use of by-products for food production

UDC 66-954

Prospects for the use of by-products for food production

Kremenevskaya M.I., Vikharev A.V., Yudina I. Yu.

The article deals with a technology of grain by-product (rice husk) hydrolysis and determination of its specific properties to produce safe food products of high quality. The two-stage hydrolysis process was carried out in the presence of chemical catalysts. The following parameters were determined at each stage: the type and concentration of catalyst, temperature, processing time, and the volumetric ratio of raw material to chemicalreagent. After processing rice husk with hydrochloric acid at the temperature of 120°C for 6 hours in the first stage hydrolysis, the product was cooled, neutralized, and homogenized. In the second step hydrolysis of homogenized product was carried out with sodium hydroxide with the same process parameters. Then the product was neutralized, heated, and dried in the apparatus with counter-twisted inert carrier flow. The inlet temperature of the drying agent was 145°C, the outlet one –95°C. It was found that the dried hydrolysate of rice husk is not toxic and can be used in rations for ruminant.
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Keywords: rice husk; two-stage hydrolysis; chemical catalysts; drying; powder hydrolysate; indigestible.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-2-49-53

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