About the issue
June 2016 (published: 22.06.2016)
Number 2(28)
Influence of fruit seed drying parameters on the quality of the oil
Myronova N.A., Zhdanov Ivan Vyacheslavovich, Borovkov Sergii Alexandrovich, Poperechnyi A.N.
Keywords: fruitpits; acid value; kernel oil; infrared radiation; vibrofluidized bed; drying, moisture content; temperature; heat flux density.
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Influence of fruit seed drying parameters on the quality of the oil
The drying process of apricot seed is investigated. The Ranny Marusicha apricot variety (initial moisture content is from 28.7 to 32.2%), Vladimir cherry variety (initial moisture content is from 19.4 to 21.4%) and Napoleon sweet cherry variety (initial moisture content is 25.5 to 27.3%) were dried by infrared radiation in a vibrofluidized bed. To analyze the effect of drying parameters on the quality of oil to be obtained the main indicator of the fruit seed oil quality – an acid value – is determined by titration.
The acid values obtained indicates that depending on the kernel heating temperature three periods are observed: in the first one an increase of acid value occurs as the temperature of kernel increases from 40 to 60°C due to increased activity of enzyme systems lipase which promotes the hydrolysis of fats in particular; in the second period acid value decreases as temperature rises to 70…85°C, which is caused by the binding of free fatty acids to form protein-lipid complexes; in the third period there is an increase of acid value as the temperature of kernel rises above 85°C due to thermal decomposition of triglycerides to form low molecular weight acids. Furthermore, kernel heating above 120°C leads to their browning - the result of sugar caramelization and the shell cracking.
For the recommended temperature of kernel heating to be no more than 110°C drying should be performed at a heat flux density of 400; 900 W/m2, which allows achieving high intensity of the process with the preservation of kernel oil quality.
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Keywords: fruitpits; acid value; kernel oil; infrared radiation; vibrofluidized bed; drying, moisture content; temperature; heat flux density.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-2-3-12

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