About the issue
March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)
Number 1(27)
Quality management for products of grain processing and grain products
Medvedev P.V., Fedotov V.A., Bochkareva I.A.
Keywords: grain; wheat; quality control; grain grinding; reducing roll.
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UDC 633.11:004.93:004.89:04.032.26
Quality management for products of grain processing and grain products
The article offers a comprehensive study of the technological properties of wheat grain affecting the quality of pasta products. The developed system of grinding process monitoring allows determining the parameters of grinding in real time mode, and predicting and controlling the quality of grain processing and grain products due to a kind of feedback.
Samples of wheat of different varieties were chosen as the objects of research. Fractographic analysis was used to examine wheat grinding that allowed considering not only the linear dimensions of the grinding particles, but also their shape features.
Well-known technique based on computer-vision algorithms was used. The characteristic of the basic analysis parameters is given. Analysis accuracy is provided by taking into account at least 5000 grinded particles.Discovered relationships and developed mathematical model for data analysis allow rapid assessment of grain characteristics of grain, flour and finished products for both research and practical purposes.
The introduction of new methods of forecasting and quality control for grain grinding allows increasing product quality assessment accuracy, therefore, efficiency of natural resource use for pasta production increases also. Quality assessment precision was: for dry matter loss during cooking – less than 5%; for cooking properties – less than 3%; for dry product shear strength – less than 10%; for cooking time – less than 20%.
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Keywords: grain; wheat; quality control; grain grinding; reducing roll.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-1-61-69

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License