Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

November 2015 (published: 27.11.2015)

Number 4(26)

Home > Issue > Development of resource-saving production process of confectionery in the ultrasound

UDC 66.083.2

Development of resource-saving production process of confectionery in the ultrasound

Verboloz E.I., Savchenko R.N.

We experimentally tested the effectiveness of continuous fermentation, baking and cooling confectionery products in parokonvektomate in the field of ultrasound and without it.  If this were confirmed by theoretical positions on the intensification of the process of production of bakery wares with the improvement of their quality. Processing of experimental data has shown that the proposed process for the continuous production of confectionary products in one device using ultrasound reduces the 1.6 times work and 1.25 times the electricity consumption. However, the performance of the steamer is increased by  20-30%. Carrying out heat treatment products in previously imposed program excludes the influence of human factor on the quality of dough and ready-made products.  Organoleptic characteristics such as increased porosity and ultra-smooth surface solid baking is possible only under the influence of ultrasonic mechanical vibration. In order to maintain the same conditions of the experiment, the temperature in the steamer Chamber did not differ when removing process with ultrasound and without it, but the temperature in the crumbproducts in the first instance always reached earlier, like baking. And only during the cooling process, the impact of ultrasound products is minimal due to forced convection fan. Tests have shown the need to reduce baking temperature by 25–30°C because of the increased color surface crusting and possible release reduction baking.
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Keywords: intensification of the process; the human factor; automation; temperature crumb; confectionery; ultrasound; electricity cost.

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