Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

November 2015 (published: 27.11.2015)

Number 4(26)

Home > Issue > Development of a design matrix for the dynamic extrusion and its mathematical foundation

UDC 66-963

Development of a design matrix for the dynamic extrusion and its mathematical foundation

Aksenova O.I. , Alexeev G.V.

This article describes the new design template for dynamic extrusion food supply consisting of two coaxial metal cylinders with holes of various configurations. Also in the article analyzed the mathematical formalism describing the main variable parameters for the dynamic matrix of the structure. Most extruded food now produced from textured obtained using thermoplastic extrusion. However, such a method for producing products with given technological properties requires the introduction of additional process steps in the production line. Such operations are grinding and sorting, which in turn, increases the material and time costs. To resolve this problem in the suggested use of dynamic extrusion dies. Developed in this papermaking matrix for dynamic extrusion allows varying the angle of inclination of the discharge orifices of the cylinder to the horizontal plane to achieve maximum efficiency of the extrusion process. The derived in an article in the form of mathematical relationships generally allow you to choose the optimal design parameters of the matrix, for a given composition and textured certain technological modes of processing, in order to reduce production costs.
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Keywords: thermoplastic extrusion; extrusion dynamic; tekstruraty dynamic matrix; mathematical basis; the change in angular momentum.

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