Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)

Number 3(25)

Home > Issue > Research and practice of definitions (calculating) the composition of multicomponent mixtures

UDC 664.6, 664.7

Research and practice of definitions (calculating) the composition of multicomponent mixtures

Balubash V.A., Aleshichev S.E.

These results of the studies related to the definition capacitive method gluten content in baking wheat flour and associated components in the composition that is starch, and measurement of the moisture content in food products, concomitant parameter composition which is the bulk density and shape of moisture binding to the solid and the variable phase composition dairy fat in butter. Set the level of influence of related components of the composition and provides methods for taking them into account when organizing the rapid control of product composition. Gluten content is determined by the value of the dielectric constant «bound» water by transferring it to a free state at a temperature of 70 °C, and the admissibility of neglect of starch proved its value significantly lower binding energy compared to gluten. In the measurement of humidity parameters butter invited to make the correction in the control system, designed by the proposed formula, and for bulk materials must be forced to stabilize the value of the bulk density of the sample, and the capacitive humidity measurement method carried out at a temperature that allows translation of «bound» of moisture in the free state.
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Keywords: bound moisture, dielectric permittivity, binding energy, mixture, components of the mixture, gluten, starch.

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