Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)

Number 3(25)

Home > Issue > Particularities of the process of the reception vitaminizirovannyh and mineralizirovannyh fish products

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Particularities of the process of the reception vitaminizirovannyh and mineralizirovannyh fish products

Alexeev G.V., Aksenova O.I. , Zolotareva A.A., Hripankova M.S.

Approaches to receiving fish pastes for enrichment are offered by vitamin and mineral additives. In the conducted researches, when studying indicators of safety of fish pastes, are defined the maintenance of toxic elements, a histamine, the sum of nitrozoamin, polikhloriro-bathing biphenyls, the hlororagnicheskikh of pesticides, herbicides, radionuclides and microbiological indicators. The organoleptic assessment of fish and auxiliary raw materials is carried out, the drying method up to the constant weight determined mass a moisture share. The mass fraction of lipids in the studied samples of fish pastes is determined by the technique based on fat extraction by petroleum air in the device Soksleta. The content of the general protein is defined Kyeldal's polumikrometo-house, using, at recalculation on protein, coefficient 6,25. The argentometrichesky method is applied to definition of a mass fraction of table salt. The ash-content is determined by way of burning of flour and bran with the subsequent determination of mass of the fireproof rest. As a result of researches it is revealed rational soderzhakny additives AM (the additive mineralizing), allowing to provide optimum conditions of consumption of a pastokobrazny fish product for treatment-and-prophylactic food and food of elderly people. In compoundings of preparation of pastes for konkretkny technological process it is necessary to choose the regulated number of DM. Data of experiments can be used for treatment-and-prophylactic food, quality control of production and fuller use of invaluable fish raw materials.  
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Keywords: fish pastes, mineral additives, medical-preventive feeding, ration of the feeding.

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