About the issue
Июнь 2015 (published: 29.05.2015)
Number 2(24)
The influence of sugar syrup, honey and cereals on the rheological properties of yogurt
Shleykin A.G., Barakova N.V., Petrova M.N. , Danilov N.P. , Argymbaeva A.E.
Keywords: Yoghurt, rheological properties, viscosity, strength, filler, sugar syrup, honey, cereals.
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UDC 577+637
The influence of sugar syrup, honey and cereals on the rheological properties of yogurt
Background. To study the rheological properties of yoghurt is important for the design of equipment, quality control. It is useful for prediction of the stability of the products during storage and to create food materials of desired flavor and texture. The rheological properties of yogurt with three different flavored fillings were investigated in this study. Sugar syrup, honey and cereals are applied with the aim of achieving the desired consistency of the product. Sugar syrup is used to enlarge the number of yogurts` tastes, honey is used due to its nutritional properties, cereals contain valuable fiber.
Materials and methods. The fermentation of milk into yoghurtwith Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus (5.0*1010 CFU/g) starter was conducted. Fillers were added into ready clot. Sugar syrup and honey were used in concentrations of 10 %, 20 %, 30 %. Cereals were used in a concentration of 0.5 %, 10 %, 20 %. The viscosity of the yoghurt was measured on a viscometer Rheotest RN4.1, the strength of the yogurts were measured using a texture analyzer TA-XT Plus.
Results. Graphical dependences of viscosity and the strength of samples of yoghurt from the amount of applied fillers were built. It was shown that increasing concentrations of sugar syrup and honey leading to lower viscosity and strength of the finished product, while increasing the concentration of grains leads to an increase in the viscosity and strength of yoghurt. The change in the concentration of cereals has a greater effect on the viscosity and strength of yoghurt compared with the change in the concentration of sugar syrup and honey.
Conclusions. To achieve the desired consistency it is necessary to choose appropriate additive concentration.The study is applicable for the purposes of expanding a number of tastes of dairy products and for the healthy nutrition of the population.
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Keywords: Yoghurt, rheological properties, viscosity, strength, filler, sugar syrup, honey, cereals.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License