Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)

Number 1(23)

Home > Issue > Investigation of pretreatment conditions and freezing on the vitamin C content in the different varieties of apples during storage

UDC 664.8.037.1

Investigation of pretreatment conditions and freezing on the vitamin C content in the different varieties of apples during storage

Rumyantseva O.N, Kravchenko D.A.

The article describes the experiment to investigate the influence of blanching and freezing   on the content of vitamin C in the different varieties of apples during storage.  Frozen and fresh fruits apple varieties Kitaika Mat, Bashkir krasavets, Systrarosa, Hybrid Zhukov, Belarusian sinap weight is 50-160 grams was chosen as objects of investigation.The technological scheme of the experiment was developed, described the chosen method of determining the vitamin C content. The results can be applied in research of frozen plant products. We will become apparent to do the experiment to determine the effect of various technological methods of preparation of raw materials to freeze on the content of vitamin C, and also we will research of improvement or development of fundamentally new technology of frozen food products with the aim of improving their quality, preservation of vitamins and nutrients in the frozen product.
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Keywords: freezing, chemical composition, blanching conditions, the determination of vitamin C, the regression equation

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