Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)

Number 1(23)

Home > Issue > The method for producing protein ingredient of residual brewer's yeast with the properties of the sorbent of mycotoxins for bakery

UDC 664.66.022.3

The method for producing protein ingredient of residual brewer's yeast with the properties of the sorbent of mycotoxins for bakery

Kutsakova V. E., Shkotova T. V. , Efimova S.V.

Improving the quality of products while reducing the unit cost of resources of all kinds is an important issue when it comes to the baking industry. The use of brewing byproducts – remaining brewer’s yeast – could be a good solution to this issue. The brewer’s yeast  contain protein and В, D, E, F and K vitamins valuable in terms of their amino acid composition as well as of important microelements. Polysaccharide sheath yeast, releasing her from the cell surface, is the adsorbent of mycotoxins.The existing methods of processing remaining brewer’s yeast consume too much time, energy and are complicated in terms of its practical application.At the same timefinished products  do not have the properties of adsorbent of mycotoxins of maintaining the integrity of the yeast cells, and the bitterness of the final product making them difficult to use in the food industry .The article features the technology of producing an unbittered  protein ingredient on the basis of residual brewer's yeast, with the properties of the sorbent mycotoxins.The research shows that the use of the ingredient produced by applying the suggested technology at a ratio of 2% to the flour mass when producing rye-wheat bread allows to reduce the time needed for fermentation and proving by 50% and 30% respectively. At the same time there is a 2,7% increase of specific bread volume, a 10.7% increase of porosity, a 16.3% increaseofshape stability,  and a 9.2%  decrease of oven loss compared to  the reference template. Moreover the introduction of the residual brewer's yeast protein ingredient in the formulation bread products increases their nutritional and biological value.
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Keywords: protein ingredient, sorbent mycotoxins, residual brewer's yeast, rye-wheat bread.

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