Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

Декабрь 2014 (published: 03.12.2014)

Number 4(22)

Home > Issue > Antioxidant activity of vegetable raw materials in processes of freezing and vacuum dehydration


Antioxidant activity of vegetable raw materials in processes of freezing and vacuum dehydration

Semenov G. V., Budantsev E.V., Krasnova I.S.

In work changes of a mass fraction of vitamin C and antioxidant activity of apple puree during the freezing and processes of dehumidification at various levels of vacuum are presented. It is shown that the greatest decrease in these indicators, at the level of 18-20%, happens at a stage of intensive evaporation of moisture in vacuum. At the following stages there is a process delay. The comparative assessment of a mass fraction of vitamin C and antioxidant activity at the samples which are dried up by different options of dehydration is carried out: sublimation drying, vacuum drying and combination of these modes. It is shown that at the combined process of dehumidification of value of indicators remain approximately at the same level, as with the sample which is dried up by sublimation drying.
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Keywords: vacuum sublimation drying, vacuum dehydration, sublimation, vitamin C, antioxidant activity, thermolabile materials.

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