Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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Декабрь 2014 (published: 03.12.2014)

Number 4(22)

Home > Issue > The choice of varieties of hops for the technology of dry hopping

UDC 663.41

The choice of varieties of hops for the technology of dry hopping

Matveeva N.A. , Titov A.A.

Hops- it is an indispensable component of modern beer. He gives the drink a special bitterness and aroma. Bitterness, essential oils and polyphenols contained in hops have a positive impact on the human body. In connection with the analysis of the properties of hops in brewing great importance is the choice of hops and a method of making the purpose of giving special beer bitterness and maximize the preservation of aromatic components (aromatic hop oil). Of particular interest among the ways of making hop causes dry hopping - a technology actively used in brewing in recent years.   Hop varieties differ in the content of bitter acids and oils. In this regard, the importance for developing new varieties of beer should be given the choice of hops.
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Keywords: beer, hops, aromatic granulated hops varieties "Amarillo", the technology of dry hopping.

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