Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

Июнь 2015 (published: 29.05.2015)

Number 2(24)

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Processes and Food Production Equipment

Using of videocomputer technique for research of morphometric parameters of fish. Part 2. Development of software of videocomputer device Aqeev O.V., Fatykhov Yu. A.

pp. 1–10

Influence of milk fat substitute on the biological value and shelf life of processed cheese product Arsenyeva T.P., Nadtochii L.A. , Lotysh N.S.

pp. 11–17

The methodology for determining the activity of malting barley germination Belokurova E.S., Borisov L.M., Pankina I.A

pp. 18–23

The influence of sugar syrup, honey and cereals on the rheological properties of yogurt Shleykin A.G., Barakova N.V., Petrova M.N. , Danilov N.P. , Argymbaeva A.E.

pp. 24–34

Study the noise characteristics of universal kitchen machine Zapletnikov I.N. , Gordienko A.V. , Pilnenko A.K.

pp. 35–43

Research of process of a dealkogolization spirtovannykh of juice in the rotor film device Radionova I.Е., Kiss V.V.

pp. 44–51

Effect ofcontrolled atmosphereon thephysiological andbiochemical processesand indicators of quality apples atrefrigeration storage Kolodyaznaya V.S., Danina M.M. , Koidov Sh.M.

pp. 52–60

Formulation of frozen apple dessert in order to resource saving in the production of frozen apples Kolodyaznaya V.S., Rumyantseva O.N, Kravchenko D.A., Peregudova О.А.

pp. 61–68

Application of sodium ascorbate in the food industry and the comparative characteristic of two ways of its manufacture Novinyuk L.V.

pp. 69–76

Biotechnology regulation methods of functional and technological properties of minced systems Merenkova S.P. , Lukin A A

pp. 77–83

Feature radiological characteristics culinary products from fish obtained by method convection Malygina V.D. , Fedorkina I.A.

pp. 84–89

Improving the process of reception of liquid for smoking with the application of ultrasound in order to intensify the absorption and coagulation processes Nikonova A.S.

pp. 90–97

Performance evaluation of thermal raw peanut Paramonova V.A. , Kudryavtsev V.N.

pp. 98–111

Modern research trends and technical solutions for the intensification of the process of freeze-drying in the food industry, pharmaceutical production and Applied Biotechnology (Part 2) Semenov G. V., Bulkin M.S., Kuzenkov A.V.

pp. 112–124

Rational determination accuracy ofthe foodstuffsthermal and physical characteristicsin the calculationof cold treatment Filipov V.I., Stepanov A.V.

pp. 125–132

About influence of some parameters of work of the milling cutter of soft ice cream on its productivity Tsuranov O.A. , Krysin A.G., Bykova V.V., Timofeyevsky A.L., Voronenko B.A., Pelenko V.V.

pp. 133–139

Manufacturabilities new ekstrudirovannogo product Verboloz E.I., Palchikov A.N., Aksenova O.I. , Nikolaeva O.V.

pp. 140–154

Experimental stand feeder to assess the impact of ultrasonic oscillations on the expiry of cereals Antufiev V.T., Demchenko V.A., Kazakov Y.R.

pp. 155–161

Analysis of the effectiveness of cryopreservation methods on indicators viability of fruit after cryopreservation Verzhuk V.G., Pavlov A V

pp. 162–167

Determination of the effective concentration of betulin input into the formulation of cooked sausages in brightness Murashev S.V., Petukhova D.B., Nikolaeva A.A.

pp. 168–173

Technological evaluation of the production of candied carrots, beets and pumpkins Stepanova N.Y.

pp. 174–178

Physicochemical properties and thermothysical characteristics of common nettle leaves’ extracts Savenko A.V. , Gritsenko V.V. , Sorokopud А.F.

pp. 179–186

Methods of determining the dynamics of the temperature field a two-layer product of spherical form during the freezing Eglit A. Yu., Krupenenkov N.F., Filatov A.S., Kisser K.V.

pp. 187–192

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