Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
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SEPTEMER 2012 (published: 01.09.2012)

Number 2(14)

Home > Issue > Screening the alcohol yeast strains for high gravity wort fermentation

UDC 663.5

Screening the alcohol yeast strains for high gravity wort fermentation

MELEDINA T.V., Barakova N.V., DAVIDENKO S.G., Ustinova A S

Fermentation of the high gravity wort is one of the most efficient method of ethanol production intensification. But its usage is complicated by incomplete carbohydrate utilization by yeast. This problem can be partially solved by adequate choice of the alcohol yeast strain. As a result of yeast screening by the ability to resist the osmotic, ethanol, acidic and temperatures stresses the most perspective strains were selected.
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Keywords: alcohol yeast, screening, high gravity wort.

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