Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
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MARCH 2012 (published: 01.03.2012)

Number 1(13)

Home > Issue > Working out of power saving up technology in defrosting fish process.

UDC 637.52

Working out of power saving up technology in defrosting fish process.

Antufiev V.T., Bychikhin O.V., Gromcev S.A.

Time and energy expenses are the major of an indicator of the process which is characterizing the efficiency of the defrosting of fish. Division of the block into carcasses by means of electrohydraulic blow (Bychihin O. V, etc. the Demand for the invention № 2011130124/20 (044451) from 19 07 2011 the Way and the device for division of a briquette of the frozen fish into carcasses without thawing) occurs instantly, and defrosting of a product (carcasses) in water - at 12-14 time faster. Process of defrosting can be conducted exclusively due to the energy of tap water. Expenses of electro-energy for creation of electrohydraulic blow make no more than 1-2 % of the expenditures for the complete thawing out of fish, if this is provided by technology during processing of product to the readiness. Low cost of installation does its accessible for not-big the enterprises.
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Keywords: Two-level technology, a shock wave,   fish, briquette destruction, energy expenses.

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