Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2014 (published: 24.02.2014)

Number 1(19)

Home > Issue > Applikation cryoprotectans as a nuclaator ice storage fruit crops liguid nitrogen vapor

UDC 634. 1: 563: 631. 523

Applikation cryoprotectans as a nuclaator ice storage fruit crops liguid nitrogen vapor

Pavlov Alexander V , Verzhuk V.G.

The influence  ultra  low temperatures on viability  buds fruit-trees after prolonged storage in steams of liquid nitrogen was studied. Processing cherry buds before deep freezing in liquid nitrogen with  different composition cryoprotectors  permit to receive viable plants after  defreezing  and  germination on the light in vitro. This process takes into account the positive role of cryoprotectants with which you can accumulate free water from the cell into the extracellular environment and  thereby reduce the destructive effect of ice formed during freezing and preparing genoplazmy plants to long-term storage in nitrogen vapor. Application cryoprotectants kidney cherry shows that more effectively on the studied varieties protector acts on the basis of 40% sucrose minutes. Treated them cherry varieties kidney Vstrecha after storage in nitrogen vapor showed 60.0% viability, kidney Chudo- cherry - 63.2%.  Cryopreservation method for buds by using cryoprotective treatment is perspective and effective. This method should be developed for evaluation of the samples from current  genofonds collections. Such treatment stabilizes intracellular metabolism, cryoprotectors transplace free water from cell to intracellular space and thus cryoprotectors become nuclaator ice  and protect cells from damage.
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Keywords: large fruit –cherry, buds, cryopreservation,   cryoprotectors, genofond.

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