About the issue
MARCH 2013 (published: 01.03.2013)
Number 1(15)
Definition of meat-mincing systems parameters «conditional cohesion»
Angelyuk V.P., Popov P.S.
Keywords: reological properties, cohesion, conditional cohesion, meat-mincing systems
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UDC 637.072.(32)
Definition of meat-mincing systems parameters «conditional cohesion»
In the article the authors describe the construction of the device making possible the way of defining “conditional cohesion” parameters taking an example of meat-sausage mince with combined lard and poultry mince of mechanical additional coating.
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Keywords: reological properties, cohesion, conditional cohesion, meat-mincing systems

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License