About the issue
MARCH 2011 (published: 01.03.2011)
Number 1(11)
Fabrication and study of the effectiveness of working bo-dies ovoscheochistitelnyh machines impulsive action
Головацкий В.А.
Keywords: technology, manufacturing, working bodies, ovoscheochi-stitelnye machine
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC 663
Fabrication and study of the effectiveness of working bo-dies ovoscheochistitelnyh machines impulsive action
Currently, the use of new structural materials and fishing technology in engi-neering can achieve the required results and to stabilize some of the operational characteristics of equipment. Using the method of electroplating for fabricating research institutes working bodies ovoscheochistitelnyh machines allowed to sig-nificantly increase their longevity and significantly reduce waste at the primary stage of food processing. This paper introduces a new technology of the working bodies for ovoscheochistitelnyh machines Ljubo-type.
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Keywords: technology, manufacturing, working bodies, ovoscheochi-stitelnye machine

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License